SDGs are the new Sustainable Development Goals to be met by 2030, as adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015.
SDGs consist of 17 goals for the common issues facing the international community and 169 corresponding targets.
To realize a sustainable, diverse, and inclusive society that leaves no one behind, the aim is to achieve goals such as ending poverty and hunger and consideration for climate change on a global scale.


Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Research & DevelopmentStearer Ecotive

We are working on research and development of products that contribute to reducing environmental burden.

Product Promotion and Research & DevelopmentNew Aid

We are working on research and development as well as sales of products to improve the working environment in rubber product manufacturing.

Business continuityBusiness continuity plan formulation regulations

We endeavor to determine anticipated risks and prepare a business continuity plan based on the business continuity plan regulations as we aim to earn the trust and satisfaction of stakeholders.


Responsible Consumption and Production

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Waste managementISO14001

We set an annual reduction goal, make efforts to reduce waste in each department, and manage the implementation of appropriate processing methods of industrial waste.

Chemical substance managementChemical substance management relugaions

We implement risk assessment of chemical substances and identify the amount of chemical substances used in accordance with laws, and we are working to reduce the risks of human and environmental exposure to chemical substances.


Climate Action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

CO2 emissions reductionISO14001

We set an annual reduction goal and make efforts to reduce CO2 emissions through the reduction of electricity usage and factory equipment inspections planned by each department.
