- Company Name
Seiko Chemical Co.,Ltd.
- Founding
April 1946
- Establishment
March 1947
- Location
- Head office
Kaede building 2-3-6, Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku,101-0047 Tokyo
Phone:+813(3254)2771(Key number) FAX:+813(3258)1431
- Osaka Branch
Hanafusa Bldg.,1-2-2 Doshomachi,chuo-ku,541-0045 Osaka City
Phone:+816(6231)4361(Key number) FAX:+816(6231)5202
- Kawaguchi Factory
1-15-33 Yanagisaki,Kawaguchi City,333-0861 Saitama Pref.
Phone:+8148(265)3412(Key number) FAX:+8148(265)3415
- Fund
120,000,000 yen(Total capitals:5,690,000,000 yen Net worth:3,960,000,000 yen)
- Board Members
Kohei Miyama, President and CEO
Katsumi Nishihara, managing director
Tatsushi Watanabe, director
Makoto Igarashi, director
Osamu Takeda, auditor
Takeo Tohara, auditor
- Number of Employees
135(as of September 2024)
- Sales:Annual turnover
3,620,000,000 yen (as of September 2024)
- Business Items
Manufacture and sale of Industrial chemicals such as antioxidants and other rubber/plastic processing chemicals,polymerzation inhibitors and intermediates for dyes and pigments.
- Main Banker
MUFG Bank, Ltd.
- Company Name
- Establishment
October 1963
- Business Items
Sales of organic and inorganic chemicals
- Fund
30,000,000 yen (Wholly-owned by Seiko Chemical)
- Sales:Annual turnover
1,300,000,000 yen(as of March 2024)
- Head Office
Matex No2 Blidg. 1-9-10 Matsugaya Taitou-ku, Tokyo
- Branch
Osaka Branch